Administer true justice, show mercy
and compassion to one another

(Zech. 7:9)

Saving Zimbabwe

African & UK Edition
US Edition

Recently CJI Director Bob Scott  published his first book. Saving Zimbabwe is a very personal and intimate story chronicling his first exposure to life outside of America in a world torn a part by the forces of oppression. Below is the write up that is printed on the back of the book.

Saving Zimbabwe is the story of the people of Zimbabwe and their struggle to survive the oppression of colonialism and subsequently the tyranny of their liberation hero Robert Mugabe.

In 1982, a group of extraordinary white Zimbabweans left the security of their suburban lifestyles, and moved to the bush country to establish “The Community of Reconciliation” together with their equally extraordinary black Zimbabwean brothers. Having seen firsthand the devastation that arrogance and greed brought, they all believed that there was a higher way, one based on the teachings of Jesus. They believed in love over hate and integration over segregation. They believed in harmony over discord and that loving your enemies was in fact a higher way of life. Against all odds they succeeded in transforming a region of the nation into a life giving community.

Tragically, on November 25th 1987, sixteen white members of The Community of Reconciliation were martyred.  Their killers, thinking that they were “liberating” the people and the land, in fact drove them back under the forces of oppression. How did they get it so wrong? Saving Zimbabwe explores the events that lead up to this awful moment that not only caused a nation to weep, but destroyed a working model of what the nation of Zimbabwe could become.

Its now over 20 years later and the nation again stands at the threshold of significant change. What path will its people choose? Zimbabwe needs transformation but that transformation must start in the heart of her people. Saving Zimbabwe offers a path of hope out of the darkness and into the light. While the setting of Saving Zimbabwe takes place in Africa, its truths are global and apply to the people of any nation.

CJI has a dedicated website with much more information  on Saving Zimbabwe:. Please visit to learn more about this extraordinary story.